Perfectly Engineered Coffee

Meet Freddo Cappuccino: The Latest Taste Sensation from Coffee Island

Meet Freddo Cappuccino: the latest taste sensation from Coffee Island. Every person we meet who tries one falls in love. And why wouldn’t they? Freddo cappuccino is the cooler cousin to regular cappuccino. In this tasty treat, iced espresso meets full bodied cold cream to become your new favourite iced coffee.

If you haven’t tried one already, here are a few reasons why you should…

#You like perfectly engineered coffee.

Every cup of coffee is a piece of art. At Coffee Island, we turn the art of making coffee into a science. Our Espresso Coffee Island Specialty Blend features a silky-smooth body in every cup, complex flavours of bright citrus, dark chocolate and roasted nuts on every sip, and a tart sweetness that will perk up any part of your day. The Arabica varieties we use for our espresso specialty blend are:

  • Semi-washed Brazil
  • Alta Mogiana
  • Washed Nicaragua Di Pilto
  • Washed Guatemala Santa Rosa
  • Washed Ethiopia


#You want a coffee company that knows what they’re doing.

Since our humble beginnings in Greece, we’ve specialised in the fine art of specialty coffee brewing. Sustainability, customisation and unique products are the core of our philosophy. We’ve also been making delicious Freddo Cappuccino for decades, so trust us when we say it is amazing.

Not to mention, all of our baristas are certified specialty coffee experts. They’ve immersed themselves in the world premium coffee as proud members of the Specialty Coffee Association, so you can expect a perfectly engineered Freddo Cappuccino every time.

#You are unique.

At Coffee Island, we believe your taste preference is as unique as your fingerprint. That’s why our custom blend concept stems from a single promise: you get the best from what you want.

In our London coffee shop, all you have to do is describe the flavours and aromas you like best, and our talented baristas will make the perfect Freddo Cappuccino just for you. It’s just as delicious in our decaf variety, deCO2ffεε, and any one of our Microfarm guest coffees too.

Once you try  Freddo Cappuccino, we bet you’ll be hooked. Fortunately, you can smell, taste and buy your favourite coffee beans so you can enoy a Freddo Cappuccino any time. We’ll even grind the beans on the spot to your exact requirements at our Coffee grindery.

#You are a home barista.

For those keen on making Freddo Cappuccino at home, we can train you to be a home barista. Every piece of equipment we use in our sophisticated brewing methods is also available for purchase at our coffee shop. In this way, you can take the Coffee Island experience to your home or office!

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Our philosophy

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We believe and invest, in the science of coffee!

At Coffee Island everything is done scientifically, with great attention to detail… from picking the beans from the best farms, to continuous supervision and staff training.
